Floor Loans

Floor Loans

Replacing your flooring in your home is always a wise investment. One should pick a flooring that is going to last since it will be walked on day in and day out. A homeowner should consider flooring financing if they wish to have their floors redone.

Tile floors make a great feature in many rooms. Tile floors look wonderful in a bathroom, and make kitchens really stand out. A hallway could also use tile floors. A indoor patio that features tile floors really completes the look as well.

There are many type of tiles that a homeowner can pick from. Ceramic tiles are made firing clay slices at high temperatures in a kiln. Many types of clay are used, and in some cases, different materials are added before the firing process. Different temperatures are also used to give different effects to the tiles. Ceramic tiles may be glazed or unglazed. Glazed ceramic tiles come in two styles, single glazed and double glazed. Double glazed tiles show patterns better than those that are single glazed. Single glazed tiles hold up better since they are harder and more durable than one that has been double glazed. Homeowners should not that glaze may wear away with heavy traffic. It is advised to clean both with a wet mop.

Unglazed tiles have a more natural appearance to them and look more like clay or stone then a glazed tile does. Most are stain resistant as well and are very durable. They are very easy to clean and take care of.

Stone tiles are a popular choice of homeowners. Stone tiles are made from granite, slate, and marble. Granite tiles have special appeal to them since each tile will have flecks of mica, feldspar, and quartz in them to look different. These tiles may have a flamed surface, or one that is either polished or honed. Those areas with heavy duty traffic would benefit from a granite tile as they hold up quite nicely. They last for a great deal of time, often forever. Some even are stain resistant. To care for a granite floor, just wipe clean with a damp mop using a PH balanced cleaner.

Slate tiles have a natural look to them. They are fade resistant, but are extremely porous and require a sealing from time to time. They will last forever as well, and should be maintained with a damp mop and a PH balanced cleaner.

Marble tiles have a classic look and feel to them. They should not be used for areas that are water prone or grease prone. They will last forever if taken care of. Clean with a damp cloth and a PH-neutral stone cleaner as well.

Hardwood floors offer the timeless look that is very inviting on the eyes. There is a warmth of hardwood floors that can not be matched. Hardwood floors can match any décor, and they never go out of style. There are many colors to choose from as well from hickory to red oak to white oak. Birch, cherry, maple, and walnut all make excellent choices as well. They come in a variety of colors in each type of wood to really customize a home. A variety of widths is also a plus factor as is the difference in wood grains. Plus if maintained, they can last a lifetime or more. And they are easy to restore just by sanding and refinishing them.

Real estate agents have said time and time again that hardwood floors really draws in a perspective home buyer. Studies have shown that homes with hardwood floors sell faster and bring in more in price than those without hardwood floors.

Many do not realize that hardwood floors are a natural insulator. This means that it provides insulation to the home. Other benefits of hardwood floors include they are not slippery like other types of floors. They are easy to clean with a mop and natural soap product, and are extremely durable. They are environmentally friendly since they are a natural resource. They hold their value quite nicely as well. Many will argue that hardwood floors are so expensive, and that is true, but when one thinks that they will be able to sand and refinish them instead of replacing, that is a significant savings.
Floors add character to a room, and can give off a feeling of warmth. Choosing the type of flooring that your family will cherish for years to come is a decision that only each family can make. Either tile floors or hardwood floors make an excellent choice for a home. Both will add beauty, class and style and will improve the home greatly.